Mysteries and Ghost Stories

Fisher Hall

Ron Tammen Disappearance

In 1953, Miami student Ronald Tammen vanished from his Fisher Hall room, never to be heard from again. Use these links to listen to Dr. Shriver's discuss the events surrounding Ron Tammen and Lottie Moon.

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Thobe's Fountain

Before his death, stonemason Harry Thobe gave the University a little something to ensure that his name would continue to be spoken by future generations.


Ogden Hall

Legend has it that Ogden Hall is surrounded by an underground wall. Is this fact or fiction?

Ghost Biker

Many people have gone on to the hereafter while traveling the roads around Oxford. According to legend, some have managed to come back.


Henry Snyder

In 1898, the fresh remains of popular chemistry professor Henry Snyder were discovered in his Brice Hall laboratory. Was it a suicide, an accident, or something more sinister?

Peabody Hall

In the nineteenth century the antics of Miami men were a frequent source of irritation to Western College for Women president Helen Peabody. Now it is said that her ghost regularly returns to Peabody Hall to seek its revenge.


Reid Hall Murder

Two hand prints serve as grim reminders of grisly events that occurred on campus in 1959.


Wilson Hall

Wilson Hall, formerly known as "The Pines" was built in 1924 as a hospital for those with mild mental and emotional disorders, was leased to Miami as a residence hall in 1936. It is said to be haunted by former patients.