Giving: myth vs. fact

Myth #1: Miami is a public school. It gets all the money it needs from Ohio.

State appropriations account for 9.6 percent of Miami’s operating budget. That means more than 90 percent of Miami’s educational enterprise is funded by gifts like yours, combined with tuition, fees and other revenue. When you give back, you are funding Miami’s educational enterprise in ways beyond what state support provides.

Myth #2: I can only give a small amount, and that won't make a difference.

In Fiscal Year 2016-17, around 20,000 donors gave $25 or less to the university, resulting in more than $300,000 raised. Helping to make Miami better for the future is a collaborative effort. Gifts of all sizes make a difference.

The average gift to class scholarships was $156 in 2016. Together, 1,800 donors contributed $280,000 to class scholarships. As a result, 130 talented, deserving students received an average of $2,800 in scholarship assistance. That’s a big deal!

Myth #3: Miami doesn't need me – they have thousands of alumni.

Are you one of the 20 percent of Miami alumni who give back each year? Alumni giving is a vote of confidence in the state of the university. The percentage of alumni who give, regardless of the amount, reflects our alumni community’s belief in a Miami education. Prospective students and families, external funding agencies, and ranking organizations measure alumni satisfaction with this percentage.

Myth #4: My donation won't be used the way I intend. 

Miami University is a leader in the field of donor compliance and efficient use of funds. We are unique in that we have full-time staff who are solely dedicated to ensuring that your gifts are used as you intended them to be used. Furthermore, Miami has been ranked the most efficient national university in producing high quality results, so you can be sure that your dollars will go a long way at Miami.

Miami’s sustained excellence would not be possible without donors like you. Now that you know the facts, choose to make a difference for Miami’s educational experience.


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